Source code for tower_cli.resources.job

# Copyright 2015, Ansible, Inc.
# Luke Sneeringer <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from getpass import getpass
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

import click

from tower_cli import models, get_resource, resources
from tower_cli.api import client
from tower_cli.cli import types
from tower_cli.utils import debug, parser

PROMPT_LIST = ['diff_mode', 'limit', 'tags', 'skip_tags', 'job_type', 'verbosity', 'inventory', 'credential']

[docs]class Resource(models.ExeResource): """A resource for jobs. This resource has ordinary list and get methods, but it does not have create or modify. Instead of being created, a job is launched. """ cli_help = 'Launch or monitor jobs.' endpoint = '/jobs/' job_template = models.Field( key='-J', type=types.Related('job_template'), required=False, display=True ) job_explanation = models.Field(required=False, display=False, read_only=True) created = models.Field(required=False, display=True) status = models.Field(required=False, display=True) elapsed = models.Field(required=False, display=True, type=float)
[docs] @resources.command( use_fields_as_options=('job_template',) ) @click.option('--monitor', is_flag=True, default=False, help='If sent, immediately calls `job monitor` on the newly ' 'launched job rather than exiting with a success.') @click.option('--wait', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Monitor the status of the job, but do not print ' 'while job is in progress.') @click.option('--timeout', required=False, type=int, help='If provided with --monitor, this command (not the job)' ' will time out after the given number of seconds. ' 'Does nothing if --monitor is not sent.') @click.option('--no-input', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Suppress any requests for input.') @click.option('-e', '--extra-vars', required=False, multiple=True, help='yaml format text that contains extra variables ' 'to pass on. Use @ to get these from a file.') @click.option('--diff-mode', type=bool, required=False, help='Specify diff mode for job template to run.') @click.option('--limit', required=False, help='Specify host limit for job template to run.') @click.option('--tags', required=False, help='Specify tagged actions in the playbook to run.') @click.option('--skip-tags', required=False, help='Specify tagged actions in the playbook to omit.') @click.option('--job-type', required=False, type=click.Choice(['run', 'check']), help='Specify job type for job template to run.') @click.option('--verbosity', type=int, required=False, help='Specify verbosity of the playbook run.') @click.option('--inventory', required=False, type=types.Related('inventory'), help='Specify inventory for job template to run.') @click.option('--credential', required=False, type=types.Related('credential'), help='Specify machine credential for job template to run.') def launch(self, job_template=None, monitor=False, wait=False, timeout=None, no_input=True, extra_vars=None, **kwargs): """Launch a new job based on a job template. Creates a new job in Ansible Tower, immediately starts it, and returns back an ID in order for its status to be monitored. =====API DOCS===== Launch a new job based on a job template. :param job_template: Primary key or name of the job template to launch new job. :type job_template: str :param monitor: Flag that if set, immediately calls ``monitor`` on the newly launched job rather than exiting with a success. :type monitor: bool :param wait: Flag that if set, monitor the status of the job, but do not print while job is in progress. :type wait: bool :param timeout: If provided with ``monitor`` flag set, this attempt will time out after the given number of seconds. :type timeout: int :param no_input: Flag that if set, suppress any requests for input. :type no_input: bool :param extra_vars: yaml formatted texts that contains extra variables to pass on. :type extra_vars: array of strings :param diff_mode: Specify diff mode for job template to run. :type diff_mode: bool :param limit: Specify host limit for job template to run. :type limit: str :param tags: Specify tagged actions in the playbook to run. :type tags: str :param skip_tags: Specify tagged actions in the playbook to omit. :type skip_tags: str :param job_type: Specify job type for job template to run. :type job_type: str :param verbosity: Specify verbosity of the playbook run. :type verbosity: int :param inventory: Specify machine credential for job template to run. :type inventory: str :param credential: Specify machine credential for job template to run. :type credential: str :returns: Result of subsequent ``monitor`` call if ``monitor`` flag is on; Result of subsequent ``wait`` call if ``wait`` flag is on; Result of subsequent ``status`` call if none of the two flags are on. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ # Get the job template from Ansible Tower. # This is used as the baseline for starting the job. tags = kwargs.get('tags', None) jt_resource = get_resource('job_template') jt = jt_resource.get(job_template) # Update the job data by adding an automatically-generated job name, # and removing the ID. data = {} if tags: data['job_tags'] = tags # Initialize an extra_vars list that starts with the job template # preferences first, if they exist extra_vars_list = [] if 'extra_vars' in data and len(data['extra_vars']) > 0: # But only do this for versions before 2.3 debug.log('Getting version of Tower.', header='details') r = client.get('/config/') if LooseVersion(r.json()['version']) < LooseVersion('2.4'): extra_vars_list = [data['extra_vars']] # Add the runtime extra_vars to this list if extra_vars: extra_vars_list += list(extra_vars) # accept tuples # If the job template requires prompting for extra variables, # do so (unless --no-input is set). if jt.get('ask_variables_on_launch', False) and not no_input \ and not extra_vars: # If JT extra_vars are JSON, echo them to user as YAML initial = parser.process_extra_vars( [jt['extra_vars']], force_json=False ) initial = '\n'.join(( '# Specify extra variables (if any) here as YAML.', '# Lines beginning with "#" denote comments.', initial, )) extra_vars = click.edit(initial) or '' if extra_vars != initial: extra_vars_list = [extra_vars] # Data is starting out with JT variables, and we only want to # include extra_vars that come from the algorithm here. data.pop('extra_vars', None) # Replace/populate data fields if prompted. modified = set() for resource in PROMPT_LIST: if jt.pop('ask_' + resource + '_on_launch', False) and not no_input: resource_object = kwargs.get(resource, None) if type(resource_object) == types.Related: resource_class = get_resource(resource) resource_object = resource_class.get(resource).pop('id', None) if resource_object is None: debug.log('{0} is asked at launch but not provided'. format(resource), header='warning') elif resource != 'tags': data[resource] = resource_object modified.add(resource) # Dump extra_vars into JSON string for launching job if len(extra_vars_list) > 0: data['extra_vars'] = parser.process_extra_vars( extra_vars_list, force_json=True ) # Create the new job in Ansible Tower. start_data = {} endpoint = '/job_templates/%d/launch/' % jt['id'] if 'extra_vars' in data and len(data['extra_vars']) > 0: start_data['extra_vars'] = data['extra_vars'] if tags: start_data['job_tags'] = data['job_tags'] for resource in PROMPT_LIST: if resource in modified: start_data[resource] = data[resource] # There's a non-trivial chance that we are going to need some # additional information to start the job; in particular, many jobs # rely on passwords entered at run-time. # # If there are any such passwords on this job, ask for them now. debug.log('Asking for information necessary to start the job.', header='details') job_start_info = client.get(endpoint).json() for password in job_start_info.get('passwords_needed_to_start', []): start_data[password] = getpass('Password for %s: ' % password) # Actually start the job. debug.log('Launching the job.', header='details') self._pop_none(kwargs) kwargs.update(start_data) job_started =, data=kwargs) # Get the job ID from the result. job_id = job_started.json()['id'] # If returning json indicates any ignored fields, display it in # verbose mode. if job_started.text == '': ignored_fields = {} else: ignored_fields = job_started.json().get('ignored_fields', {}) has_ignored_fields = False for key, value in ignored_fields.items(): if value and value != '{}': if not has_ignored_fields: debug.log('List of ignored fields on the server side:', header='detail') has_ignored_fields = True debug.log('{0}: {1}'.format(key, value)) # Get some information about the running job to print result = self.status(pk=job_id, detail=True) result['changed'] = True # If we were told to monitor the job once it started, then call # monitor from here. if monitor: return self.monitor(job_id, timeout=timeout) elif wait: return self.wait(job_id, timeout=timeout) return result