Source code for tower_cli.resources.notification_template

# Copyright 2016, Ansible, Inc.
# Aaron Tan <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import click
import json
import copy
import six

from tower_cli import get_resource, models, resources, exceptions as exc
from tower_cli.utils import debug
from tower_cli.cli import types

[docs]class Resource(models.Resource): """A resource for notification templates.""" cli_help = 'Manage notification templates within Ansible Tower.' endpoint = '/notification_templates/' dependencies = ['organization'] # Actual fields name = models.Field(unique=True) description = models.Field(required=False, display=False) organization = models.Field(type=types.Related('organization'), required=False, display=False) notification_type = models.Field( type=click.Choice(['email', 'slack', 'twilio', 'pagerduty', 'hipchat', 'webhook', 'irc']) ) notification_configuration = models.Field( type=models.File('r', lazy=True), required=False, display=False, help_text='The notification configuration field. Note providing this' ' field would disable all notification-configuration-related' ' fields.' ) # Fields that are part of notification_configuration config_fields = ['notification_configuration', 'channels', 'token', 'username', 'sender', 'recipients', 'use_tls', 'host', 'use_ssl', 'password', 'port', 'account_token', 'from_number', 'to_numbers', 'account_sid', 'subdomain', 'service_key', 'client_name', 'message_from', 'api_url', 'color', 'notify', 'rooms', 'url', 'headers', 'server', 'nickname', 'targets'] # Fields that are part of notification_configuration which are categorized # according to notification_type configuration = { 'slack': ['channels', 'token'], 'email': ['username', 'sender', 'recipients', 'use_tls', 'host', 'use_ssl', 'password', 'port'], 'twilio': ['account_token', 'from_number', 'to_numbers', 'account_sid'], 'pagerduty': ['token', 'subdomain', 'service_key', 'client_name'], 'hipchat': ['message_from', 'api_url', 'color', 'token', 'notify', 'rooms'], 'webhook': ['url', 'headers'], 'irc': ['server', 'port', 'use_ssl', 'password', 'nickname', 'targets'] } # Fields which are expected to be json files. json_fields = ['notification_configuration', 'headers'] encrypted_fields = ['password', 'token', 'account_token'] # notification_configuration-related fields. fields with default values # are optional. username = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='[{0}]The username.'.format('email')) sender = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='[{0}]The sender.'.format('email')) recipients = models.Field(required=False, display=False, multiple=True, help_text='[{0}]The recipients.'.format('email')) use_tls = models.Field(required=False, display=False, type=click.BOOL, default=False, help_text='[{0}]The tls trigger.'.format('email')) host = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='[{0}]The host.'.format('email')) use_ssl = models.Field(required=False, display=False, type=click.BOOL, default=False, help_text='[{0}]The ssl trigger.' .format('email/irc')) password = models.Field(required=False, display=False, password=True, help_text='[{0}]The password.'.format('email/irc')) port = models.Field(required=False, display=False, type=click.INT, help_text='[{0}]The email port.'.format('email/irc')) channels = models.Field(required=False, display=False, multiple=True, help_text='[{0}]The channel.'.format('slack')) token = models.Field(required=False, display=False, password=True, help_text='[{0}]The token.'. format('slack/pagerduty/hipchat')) account_token = models.Field(required=False, display=False, password=True, help_text='[{0}]The account token.'. format('twilio')) from_number = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='[{0}]The source phone number.'. format('twilio')) to_numbers = models.Field(required=False, display=False, multiple=True, help_text='[{0}]The destination SMS numbers.'. format('twilio')) account_sid = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='[{0}The account sid.'. format('twilio')) subdomain = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='[{0}]The subdomain.'. format('pagerduty')) service_key = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='[{0}]The API service/integration' ' key.'.format('pagerduty')) client_name = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='[{0}]The client identifier.'. format('pagerduty')) message_from = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='[{0}]The label to be shown with ' 'notification.'.format('hipchat')) api_url = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='[{0}]The api url.'.format('hipchat')) color = models.Field(required=False, display=False, type=click.Choice(['yellow', 'green', 'red', 'purple', 'gray', 'random']), help_text='[{0}]The notification color.'. format('hipchat')) rooms = models.Field(required=False, display=False, default=False, help_text='[{0}]Rooms to send notification to. ' 'Use multiple flags to send to multiple rooms, ex ' '--rooms=A --rooms=B'. format('hipchat'), multiple=True) notify = models.Field(required=False, display=False, type=click.BOOL, default=False, help_text='[{0}]The notify channel trigger.'. format('hipchat')) url = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='[{0}]The target URL.'.format('webhook')) headers = models.Field(required=False, display=False, type=models.File('r', lazy=True), help_text='[{0}]The http headers.'. format('webhook')) server = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='[{0}]Server address.'.format('irc')) nickname = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='[{0}]The irc nick.'.format('irc')) target = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='[{0}]The distination channels or users.' .format('irc')) def _separate(self, kwargs): """Remove None-valued and configuration-related keyworded arguments """ self._pop_none(kwargs) result = {} for field in Resource.config_fields: if field in kwargs: result[field] = kwargs.pop(field) if field in Resource.json_fields: # If result[field] is not a string we can continue on if not isinstance(result[field], six.string_types): continue try: data = json.loads(result[field]) result[field] = data except ValueError: raise exc.TowerCLIError('Provided json file format ' 'invalid. Please recheck.') return result def _configuration(self, kwargs, config_item): """Combine configuration-related keyworded arguments into notification_configuration. """ if 'notification_configuration' not in config_item: if 'notification_type' not in kwargs: return nc = kwargs['notification_configuration'] = {} for field in Resource.configuration[kwargs['notification_type']]: if field not in config_item: raise exc.TowerCLIError('Required config field %s not' ' provided.' % field) else: nc[field] = config_item[field] else: kwargs['notification_configuration'] = \ config_item['notification_configuration']
[docs] @resources.command @click.option('--job-template', type=types.Related('job_template'), required=False, help='The job template to relate to.') @click.option('--status', type=click.Choice(['error', 'success']), required=False, help='Specify job run status of job ' 'template to relate to.') def create(self, fail_on_found=False, force_on_exists=False, **kwargs): """Create a notification template. All required configuration-related fields (required according to notification_type) must be provided. There are two types of notification template creation: isolatedly creating a new notification template and creating a new notification template under a job template. Here the two types are discriminated by whether to provide --job-template option. --status option controls more specific, job-run-status-related association. Fields in the resource's `identity` tuple are used for a lookup; if a match is found, then no-op (unless `force_on_exists` is set) but do not fail (unless `fail_on_found` is set). =====API DOCS===== Create an object. :param fail_on_found: Flag that if set, the operation fails if an object matching the unique criteria already exists. :type fail_on_found: bool :param force_on_exists: Flag that if set, then if a match is found on unique fields, other fields will be updated to the provided values.; If unset, a match causes the request to be a no-op. :type force_on_exists: bool :param `**kwargs`: Keyword arguments which, all together, will be used as POST body to create the resource object. :returns: A dictionary combining the JSON output of the created resource, as well as two extra fields: "changed", a flag indicating if the resource is created successfully; "id", an integer which is the primary key of the created object. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ config_item = self._separate(kwargs) jt_id = kwargs.pop('job_template', None) status = kwargs.pop('status', 'any') old_endpoint = self.endpoint if jt_id is not None: jt = get_resource('job_template') jt.get(pk=jt_id) try: nt_id = self.get(**copy.deepcopy(kwargs))['id'] except exc.NotFound: pass else: if fail_on_found: raise exc.TowerCLIError('Notification template already ' 'exists and fail-on-found is ' 'switched on. Please use' ' "associate_notification" method' ' of job_template instead.') else: debug.log('Notification template already exists, ' 'associating with job template.', header='details') return jt.associate_notification_template( jt_id, nt_id, status=status) self.endpoint = '/job_templates/%d/notification_templates_%s/' %\ (jt_id, status) self._configuration(kwargs, config_item) result = super(Resource, self).create(**kwargs) self.endpoint = old_endpoint return result
[docs] @resources.command def modify(self, pk=None, create_on_missing=False, **kwargs): """Modify an existing notification template. Not all required configuration-related fields (required according to notification_type) should be provided. Fields in the resource's `identity` tuple can be used in lieu of a primary key for a lookup; in such a case, only other fields are written. To modify unique fields, you must use the primary key for the lookup. =====API DOCS===== Modify an already existing object. :param pk: Primary key of the resource to be modified. :type pk: int :param create_on_missing: Flag that if set, a new object is created if ``pk`` is not set and objects matching the appropriate unique criteria is not found. :type create_on_missing: bool :param `**kwargs`: Keyword arguments which, all together, will be used as PATCH body to modify the resource object. if ``pk`` is not set, key-value pairs of ``**kwargs`` which are also in resource's identity will be used to lookup existing reosource. :returns: A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well as two extra fields: "changed", a flag indicating if the resource is successfully updated; "id", an integer which is the primary key of the updated object. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ # Create the resource if needed. if pk is None and create_on_missing: try: self.get(**copy.deepcopy(kwargs)) except exc.NotFound: return self.create(**kwargs) # Modify everything except notification type and configuration config_item = self._separate(kwargs) notification_type = kwargs.pop('notification_type', None) debug.log('Modify everything except notification type and' ' configuration', header='details') part_result = super(Resource, self).\ modify(pk=pk, create_on_missing=create_on_missing, **kwargs) # Modify notification type and configuration if notification_type is None or \ notification_type == part_result['notification_type']: for item in part_result['notification_configuration']: if item not in config_item or not config_item[item]: to_add = part_result['notification_configuration'][item] if not (to_add == '$encrypted$' and item in Resource.encrypted_fields): config_item[item] = to_add if notification_type is None: kwargs['notification_type'] = part_result['notification_type'] else: kwargs['notification_type'] = notification_type self._configuration(kwargs, config_item) debug.log('Modify notification type and configuration', header='details') result = super(Resource, self).\ modify(pk=pk, create_on_missing=create_on_missing, **kwargs) # Update 'changed' field to give general changed info if 'changed' in result and 'changed' in part_result: result['changed'] = result['changed'] or part_result['changed'] return result
[docs] @resources.command def delete(self, pk=None, fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs): """Remove the given notification template. Note here configuration-related fields like 'notification_configuration' and 'channels' will not be used even provided. If `fail_on_missing` is True, then the object's not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a success with no change is reported. =====API DOCS===== Remove the given object. :param pk: Primary key of the resource to be deleted. :type pk: int :param fail_on_missing: Flag that if set, the object's not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a success with no change is reported. :type fail_on_missing: bool :param `**kwargs`: Keyword arguments used to look up resource object to delete if ``pk`` is not provided. :returns: dictionary of only one field "changed", which is a flag indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ self._separate(kwargs) return super(Resource, self).\ delete(pk=pk, fail_on_missing=fail_on_missing, **kwargs)
[docs] @resources.command def list(self, all_pages=False, **kwargs): """Return a list of notification templates. Note here configuration-related fields like 'notification_configuration' and 'channels' will not be used even provided. If one or more filters are provided through keyword arguments, filter the results accordingly. If no filters are provided, return all results. =====API DOCS===== Retrieve a list of objects. :param all_pages: Flag that if set, collect all pages of content from the API when returning results. :type all_pages: bool :param page: The page to show. Ignored if all_pages is set. :type page: int :param query: Contains 2-tuples used as query parameters to filter resulting resource objects. :type query: list :param `**kwargs`: Keyword arguments list of available fields used for searching resource objects. :returns: A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower backend. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ self._separate(kwargs) return super(Resource, self).list(all_pages=all_pages, **kwargs)
[docs] @resources.command def get(self, pk=None, **kwargs): """Return one and exactly one notification template. Note here configuration-related fields like 'notification_configuration' and 'channels' will not be used even provided. Lookups may be through a primary key, specified as a positional argument, and/or through filters specified through keyword arguments. If the number of results does not equal one, raise an exception. =====API DOCS===== Retrieve one and exactly one object. :param pk: Primary key of the resource to be read. Tower CLI will only attempt to read *that* object if ``pk`` is provided (not ``None``). :type pk: int :param `**kwargs`: Keyword arguments used to look up resource object to retrieve if ``pk`` is not provided. :returns: loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ self._separate(kwargs) return super(Resource, self).get(pk=pk, **kwargs)