Source code for tower_cli.resources.schedule

# Copyright 2016, Ansible by Red Hat.
# Aaron Tan <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import click

from tower_cli import models, exceptions as exc
from tower_cli.cli import types

    'job_template': '/job_templates',
    'inventory_source': '/inventory_sources',
    'project': '/projects',
    'workflow': '/workflow_job_templates',
CLICK_ATTRS = ('__click_params__', '_cli_command', '_cli_command_attrs')

def jt_aggregate(func, is_create=False, has_pk=False):
    """Decorator to aggregate unified_jt-related fields.

        func: The CURD method to be decorated.
        is_create: Boolean flag showing whether this method is create.
        has_pk: Boolean flag showing whether this method uses pk as argument.

        A function with necessary click-related attributes whose keyworded
        arguments are aggregated.

        exc.UsageError: Either more than one unified jt fields are
            provided, or none is provided when is_create flag is set.
    def helper(kwargs, obj):
        """The helper function preceding actual function that aggregates
        unified jt fields.
        unified_job_template = None
        for item in UNIFIED_JT:
            if kwargs.get(item, None) is not None:
                jt_id = kwargs.pop(item)
                if unified_job_template is None:
                    unified_job_template = (item, jt_id)
                    raise exc.UsageError(
                        'More than one unified job template fields provided, '
                        'please tighten your criteria.'
        if unified_job_template is not None:
            kwargs['unified_job_template'] = unified_job_template[1]
            obj.identity = tuple(list(obj.identity) + ['unified_job_template'])
            return '/'.join([UNIFIED_JT[unified_job_template[0]],
                             str(unified_job_template[1]), 'schedules/'])
        elif is_create:
            raise exc.UsageError('You must provide exactly one unified job'
                                 ' template field during creation.')

    def decorator_without_pk(obj, *args, **kwargs):
        old_endpoint = obj.endpoint
        new_endpoint = helper(kwargs, obj)
        if is_create:
            obj.endpoint = new_endpoint
        result = func(obj, *args, **kwargs)
        obj.endpoint = old_endpoint
        return result

    def decorator_with_pk(obj, pk=None, *args, **kwargs):
        old_endpoint = obj.endpoint
        new_endpoint = helper(kwargs, obj)
        if is_create:
            obj.endpoint = new_endpoint
        result = func(obj, pk=pk, *args, **kwargs)
        obj.endpoint = old_endpoint
        return result

    decorator = decorator_with_pk if has_pk else decorator_without_pk
    for item in CLICK_ATTRS:
        setattr(decorator, item, getattr(func, item, []))
    decorator.__doc__ = func.__doc__

    return decorator

[docs]class Resource(models.Resource): """A resource for schedules.""" cli_help = 'Manage schedules within Ansible Tower.' endpoint = '/schedules/' # General fields. name = models.Field(unique=True) description = models.Field(required=False, display=False) # Unified jt fields. note these fields will only be used during creation. # Plus, one and only one field should be provided. job_template = models.Field(type=types.Related('job_template'), required=False, display=False) inventory_source = models.Field(type=types.Related('inventory_source'), required=False, display=False) project = models.Field(type=types.Related('project'), required=False, display=False) workflow = models.Field( type=types.Related('workflow'), required=False, display=False ) # Schedule-specific fields. unified_job_template = models.Field(required=False, type=int, help_text='Integer used to display' ' unified job template in result, ' 'Do not use it for create/' 'modify.') enabled = models.Field(required=False, type=click.BOOL, default=True, help_text='Whether this schedule will be used.', show_default=True) rrule = models.Field(required=False, display=False, help_text='Schedule rules specifications which is' ' less than 255 characters.') # Prompts extra_data = models.Field(type=types.Variables(), required=False, display=False, help_text='Extra data for ' 'schedule rules in the form of a .json file.') inventory = models.Field( type=types.Related('inventory'), required=False, display=False) credentials = models.ManyToManyField('credential') job_type = models.Field(required=False, display=False) job_tags = models.Field(required=False, display=False) skip_tags = models.Field(required=False, display=False) limit = models.Field(required=False, display=False) diff_mode = models.Field(type=bool, required=False, display=False) verbosity = models.Field( display=False, type=types.MappedChoice([ (0, 'default'), (1, 'verbose'), (2, 'more_verbose'), (3, 'debug'), (4, 'connection'), (5, 'winrm'), ]), required=False, ) def _get_patch_url(self, url, pk): urlTokens = url.split('/') if len(urlTokens) > 3: # reconstruct url to prevent a rare corner case where resources # cannot be constructed independently. Open to modification if # API convention changes. url = '/'.join(urlTokens[:1] + urlTokens[-2:]) return super(Resource, self)._get_patch_url(url, pk)
Resource.create = jt_aggregate(Resource.create, is_create=True) Resource.delete = jt_aggregate(Resource.delete, has_pk=True) Resource.get = jt_aggregate(Resource.get, has_pk=True) Resource.list = jt_aggregate(Resource.list) Resource.modify = jt_aggregate(Resource.modify, has_pk=True)