Source code for tower_cli.resources.setting

# Copyright 2017, Ansible by Red Hat
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import ast
import json
from distutils.util import strtobool

import click
import six

from tower_cli import models, resources, exceptions as exc
from tower_cli.api import client
from tower_cli.conf import pop_option
from tower_cli.cli import types
from tower_cli.utils.data_structures import OrderedDict
from tower_cli.utils import debug

[docs]class Resource(models.Resource): """A resource for Tower configurations.""" cli_help = 'Manage settings within Ansible Tower.' custom_category = None value = models.Field(required=True, type=types.Variables())
[docs] @resources.command(ignore_defaults=True, no_args_is_help=False) @click.option('category', '-c', '--category', help='If set, filter settings by a specific category') def list(self, **kwargs): """Return a list of objects. =====API DOCS===== Retrieve a list of Tower settings. :param category: The category slug in which to look up indevidual settings. :type category: str :param `**kwargs`: Keyword arguments list of available fields used for searching resource objects. :returns: A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower backend. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ self.custom_category = kwargs.get('category', 'all') try: result = super(Resource, self).list(**kwargs) except exc.NotFound as e: categories = map( lambda category: category['slug'], client.get('/settings/').json()['results'] ) e.message = '%s is not a valid category. Choose from [%s]' % ( kwargs['category'], ', '.join(categories) ) raise e finally: self.custom_category = None return { 'results': [{'id': k, 'value': v} for k, v in result.items()] }
[docs] @resources.command(use_fields_as_options=False) def get(self, pk): """Return one and exactly one object =====API DOCS===== Return one and exactly one Tower setting. :param pk: Primary key of the Tower setting to retrieve :type pk: int :returns: loaded JSON of the retrieved Tower setting object. :rtype: dict :raises tower_cli.exceptions.NotFound: When no specified Tower setting exists. =====API DOCS===== """ # The Tower API doesn't provide a mechanism for retrieving a single # setting value at a time, so fetch them all and filter try: return next(s for s in self.list()['results'] if s['id'] == pk) except StopIteration: raise exc.NotFound('The requested object could not be found.')
[docs] @resources.command(use_fields_as_options=False) @click.argument('setting') @click.argument('value', default=None, required=False, type=types.Variables()) def modify(self, setting, value): """Modify an already existing object. Positional argument SETTING is the setting name and VALUE is its value, which can be provided directly or obtained from a file name if prefixed with '@'. =====API DOCS===== Modify an already existing Tower setting. :param setting: The name of the Tower setting to be modified. :type setting: str :param value: The new value of the Tower setting. :type value: str :returns: A dictionary combining the JSON output of the modified resource, as well as two extra fields: "changed", a flag indicating if the resource is successfully updated; "id", an integer which is the primary key of the updated object. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ prev_value = new_value = self.get(setting)['value'] answer = OrderedDict() encrypted = '$encrypted$' in six.text_type(prev_value) if encrypted or six.text_type(prev_value) != six.text_type(value): if setting == 'LICENSE': r ='/config/', data=self.coerce_type(setting, value)) new_value = r.json() else: r = client.patch( self.endpoint, data={setting: self.coerce_type(setting, value)} ) new_value = r.json()[setting] answer.update(r.json()) changed = encrypted or (prev_value != new_value) answer.update({ 'changed': changed, 'id': setting, 'value': new_value, }) return answer
@property def endpoint(self): return '/settings/%s/' % (self.custom_category or 'all') def coerce_type(self, key, value): if key == 'LICENSE': return json.loads(value) r = client.options(self.endpoint) if key not in r.json()['actions']['PUT']: raise exc.TowerCLIError('You are trying to modify value of a ' 'Read-Only field, which is not allowed') to_type = r.json()['actions']['PUT'].get(key, {}).get('type') if to_type == 'integer': if value != 'null': return int(value) else: return None elif to_type == 'boolean': return bool(strtobool(value)) elif to_type in ('list', 'nested object'): try: return json.loads(value) except Exception: debug.log('Could not parse value as JSON, trying as python.', header='details') return ast.literal_eval(value) return value def __getattribute__(self, name): """Disable inherited methods that cannot be applied to this particular resource. """ if name in ['create', 'delete']: raise AttributeError else: return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
# Settings don't support pagination, and there's nothing to filter on pop_option(Resource.list, 'all_pages') pop_option(Resource.list, 'page') pop_option(Resource.list, 'query') # Settings don't have a `create` operation pop_option(Resource.modify, 'create_on_missing')