Inventory Update


This resource is used for managing and executing inventory updates via Tower.

Fields Table

name type help_text read_only unique filterable required
inventory_source Resource inventory_source The inventory_source field. False False True True
name String The name field. True False True False
launch_type Choices: manual,relaunch,relaunch,callback,scheduled,dependency,workflow,sync,scm The launch_type field. True False True True
status Choices: new,pending,waiting,running,successful,failed,error,canceled The status field. True False True True
job_explanation String The job_explanation field. True False True False
created String The created field. True False True False
elapsed String The elapsed field. True False True False
source Choices: ,file,scm,ec2,vmware,gce,azure,azure_rm,openstack,satellite6,cloudforms,custom The source field. False False True True

API Specification

class tower_cli.resources.inventory_update.Resource(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A resource for inventory source updates.

cancel(pk=None, fail_if_not_running=False, **kwargs)

Cancel a currently running job.

  • pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource to restart.
  • fail_if_not_running (bool) – Flag that if set, raise exception if the job resource cannot be canceled.
  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource object to restart if pk is not provided.

A dictionary of two keys: “status”, which is “canceled”, and “changed”, which indicates if the job resource has been successfully canceled.

Return type:



tower_cli.exceptions.TowerCLIError – When the job resource cannot be canceled and fail_if_not_running flag is on.

delete(pk=None, fail_on_missing=False, **kwargs)

Remove the given object.

  • pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be deleted.
  • fail_on_missing (bool) – Flag that if set, the object’s not being found is considered a failure; otherwise, a success with no change is reported.
  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object to delete if pk is not provided.

dictionary of only one field “changed”, which is a flag indicating whether the specified resource is successfully deleted.

Return type:


get(pk=None, **kwargs)

Retrieve one and exactly one object.

  • pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to be read. Tower CLI will only attempt to read that object if pk is provided (not None).
  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object to retrieve if pk is not provided.

loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object.

Return type:


list(all_pages=False, **kwargs)

Retrieve a list of objects.

  • all_pages (bool) – Flag that if set, collect all pages of content from the API when returning results.
  • page (int) – The page to show. Ignored if all_pages is set.
  • query (list) – Contains 2-tuples used as query parameters to filter resulting resource objects.
  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments list of available fields used for searching resource objects.

A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower backend.

Return type:


monitor(pk, parent_pk=None, timeout=None, interval=0.5, outfile=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>, **kwargs)

Stream the standard output from a job run to stdout.

  • pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to be monitored.
  • parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job template resource object whose latest job run will be monitored if pk is not set.
  • timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this method will time out.
  • interval (float) – Polling interval to refresh content from Tower.
  • outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to write job stdout to.
  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource object to monitor if pk is not provided.

A dictionary combining the JSON output of the finished job resource object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the job resource object is finished as expected; “id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job resource object being monitored.

Return type:


relaunch(pk=None, **kwargs)

Relaunch a stopped job resource.

  • pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource to relaunch.
  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource object to relaunch if pk is not provided.

A dictionary combining the JSON output of the relaunched job resource object, as well as an extra field “changed”, a flag indicating if the job resource object is status-changed as expected.

Return type:


status(pk=None, detail=False, **kwargs)

Retrieve the current job status.

  • pk (int) – Primary key of the resource to retrieve status from.
  • detail (bool) – Flag that if set, return the full JSON of the job resource rather than a status summary.
  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up resource object to retrieve status from if pk is not provided.

full loaded JSON of the specified unified job if detail flag is on; trimed JSON containing only “elapsed”, “failed” and “status” fields of the unified job if detail flag is off.

Return type:


wait(pk, parent_pk=None, min_interval=1, max_interval=30, timeout=None, outfile=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>, exit_on=['successful'], **kwargs)

Wait for a job resource object to enter certain status.

  • pk (int) – Primary key of the job resource object to wait.
  • parent_pk (int) – Primary key of the unified job template resource object whose latest job run will be waited if pk is not set.
  • timeout (float) – Number in seconds after which this method will time out.
  • min_interval (float) – Minimum polling interval to request an update from Tower.
  • max_interval (float) – Maximum polling interval to request an update from Tower.
  • outfile (file) – Alternative file than stdout to write job status updates on.
  • exit_on (array) – Job resource object statuses to wait on.
  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments used to look up job resource object to wait if pk is not provided.

A dictionary combining the JSON output of the status-changed job resource object, as well as two extra fields: “changed”, a flag indicating if the job resource object is status-changed as expected; “id”, an integer which is the primary key of the job resource object being status-changed.

Return type:

