Source code for tower_cli.resources.job_template

# Copyright 2015, Ansible, Inc.
# Luke Sneeringer <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import click

from tower_cli import models, resources
from tower_cli.utils import parser
from tower_cli.api import client
from tower_cli.cli import types

[docs]class Resource(models.SurveyResource): """A resource for job templates.""" cli_help = 'Manage job templates.' endpoint = '/job_templates/' dependencies = ['inventory', 'credential', 'project', 'vault_credential'] related = ['survey_spec', 'notification_templates', 'extra_credentials', 'schedules', 'labels'] name = models.Field(unique=True) description = models.Field(required=False, display=False) job_type = models.Field( required=False, display=False, type=click.Choice(['run', 'check']), ) inventory = models.Field(type=types.Related('inventory'), required=False) project = models.Field(type=types.Related('project')) playbook = models.Field() credential = models.Field(display=False, required=False, type=types.Related('credential')) vault_credential = models.Field(type=types.Related('credential'), required=False, display=False) forks = models.Field(type=int, required=False, display=False) limit = models.Field(required=False, display=False) verbosity = models.Field( display=False, type=types.MappedChoice([ (0, 'default'), (1, 'verbose'), (2, 'more_verbose'), (3, 'debug'), (4, 'connection'), (5, 'winrm'), ]), required=False, ) extra_vars = models.Field(type=types.Variables(), required=False, display=False, multiple=True, help_text='Extra variables used by Ansible in YAML or key=value ' 'format. Use @ to get YAML from a file.') job_tags = models.Field(required=False, display=False) custom_virtualenv = models.Field(required=False, display=False) job_slice_count = models.Field(type=int, required=False, display=False) force_handlers = models.Field(type=bool, required=False, display=False) skip_tags = models.Field(required=False, display=False) start_at_task = models.Field(required=False, display=False) timeout = models.Field(type=int, required=False, display=False, help_text='The amount of time (in seconds) to run before the task is canceled.') use_fact_cache = models.Field(type=bool, required=False, display=False, help_text='If enabled, Tower will act as an Ansible Fact Cache Plugin;' ' persisting facts at the end of a playbook run to the database' ' and caching facts for use by Ansible.') host_config_key = models.Field( required=False, display=False, help_text='Allow Provisioning Callbacks using this host config key') ask_diff_mode_on_launch = models.Field( type=bool, required=False, display=False, help_text='Ask diff mode on launch.') ask_variables_on_launch = models.Field( type=bool, required=False, display=False, help_text='Prompt user for extra_vars on launch.') ask_limit_on_launch = models.Field( type=bool, required=False, display=False, help_text='Prompt user for host limits on launch.') ask_tags_on_launch = models.Field( type=bool, required=False, display=False, help_text='Prompt user for job tags on launch.') ask_skip_tags_on_launch = models.Field( type=bool, required=False, display=False, help_text='Prompt user for tags to skip on launch.') ask_job_type_on_launch = models.Field( type=bool, required=False, display=False, help_text='Prompt user for job type on launch.') ask_verbosity_on_launch = models.Field( type=bool, required=False, display=False, help_text='Prompt user for verbosity on launch.') ask_inventory_on_launch = models.Field( type=bool, required=False, display=False, help_text='Prompt user for inventory on launch.') ask_credential_on_launch = models.Field( type=bool, required=False, display=False, help_text='Prompt user for machine credential on launch.') survey_enabled = models.Field( type=bool, required=False, display=False, help_text='Prompt user for job type on launch.') become_enabled = models.Field(type=bool, required=False, display=False) diff_mode = models.Field(type=bool, required=False, display=False, help_text='If enabled, textual changes made to any templated files on' ' the host are shown in the standard output.') allow_simultaneous = models.Field(type=bool, required=False, display=False) survey_spec = models.Field( type=types.Variables(), required=False, display=False, help_text='On write commands, perform extra POST to the ' 'survey_spec endpoint.') labels = models.ManyToManyField('label') instance_groups = models.ManyToManyField('instance_group', method_name='ig') def write(self, *args, **kwargs): # Provide a default value for job_type, but only in creation of JT if (kwargs.get('create_on_missing', False) and (not kwargs.get('job_type', None))): kwargs['job_type'] = 'run' return super(Resource, self).write(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @resources.command(use_fields_as_options=False) @click.option('--job-template', type=types.Related('job_template')) @click.option('--credential', type=types.Related('credential')) def associate_credential(self, job_template, credential): """Associate a credential with this job template. =====API DOCS===== Associate a credential with this job template. :param job_template: The job template to associate to. :type job_template: str :param credential: The credential to be associated. :type credential: str :returns: Dictionary of only one key "changed", which indicates whether the association succeeded. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ return self._assoc('extra_credentials', job_template, credential)
[docs] @resources.command(use_fields_as_options=False) @click.option('--job-template', type=types.Related('job_template')) @click.option('--credential', type=types.Related('credential')) def disassociate_credential(self, job_template, credential): """Disassociate a credential with this job template. =====API DOCS===== Disassociate a credential from this job template. :param job_template: The job template to disassociate fom. :type job_template: str :param credential: The credential to be disassociated. :type credential: str :returns: Dictionary of only one key "changed", which indicates whether the disassociation succeeded. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ return self._disassoc('extra_credentials', job_template, credential)
[docs] @resources.command(use_fields_as_options=False) @click.option('--job-template', type=types.Related('job_template')) @click.option('--notification-template', type=types.Related('notification_template')) @click.option('--status', type=click.Choice(['any', 'error', 'success']), required=False, default='any', help='Specify job run status' ' of job template to relate to.') def associate_notification_template(self, job_template, notification_template, status): """Associate a notification template from this job template. =====API DOCS===== Associate a notification template from this job template. :param job_template: The job template to associate to. :type job_template: str :param notification_template: The notification template to be associated. :type notification_template: str :param status: type of notification this notification template should be associated to. :type status: str :returns: Dictionary of only one key "changed", which indicates whether the association succeeded. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ return self._assoc('notification_templates_%s' % status, job_template, notification_template)
[docs] @resources.command(use_fields_as_options=False) @click.option('--job-template', type=types.Related('job_template')) @click.option('--notification-template', type=types.Related('notification_template')) @click.option('--status', type=click.Choice(['any', 'error', 'success']), required=False, default='any', help='Specify job run status' ' of job template to relate to.') def disassociate_notification_template(self, job_template, notification_template, status): """Disassociate a notification template from this job template. =====API DOCS===== Disassociate a notification template from this job template. :param job_template: The job template to disassociate from. :type job_template: str :param notification_template: The notification template to be disassociated. :type notification_template: str :param status: type of notification this notification template should be disassociated from. :type status: str :returns: Dictionary of only one key "changed", which indicates whether the disassociation succeeded. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ return self._disassoc('notification_templates_%s' % status, job_template, notification_template)
[docs] @resources.command(use_fields_as_options=('extra_vars')) @click.option('--host-config-key', help='Job-template-specific string used to authenticate ' 'host during provisioning callback.') def callback(self, pk=None, host_config_key='', extra_vars=None): """Contact Tower and request a configuration update using this job template. =====API DOCS===== Contact Tower and request a provisioning callback using this job template. :param pk: Primary key of the job template to run provisioning callback against. :type pk: int :param host_config_key: Key string used to authenticate the callback host. :type host_config_key: str :param extra_vars: Extra variables that are passed to provisioning callback. :type extra_vars: array of str :returns: A dictionary of a single key "changed", which indicates whether the provisioning callback is successful. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ url = self.endpoint + '%s/callback/' % pk if not host_config_key: host_config_key = client.get(url).json()['host_config_key'] post_data = {'host_config_key': host_config_key} if extra_vars: post_data['extra_vars'] = parser.process_extra_vars(list(extra_vars), force_json=True) r =, data=post_data, auth=None) if r.status_code == 201: return {'changed': True}