Source code for tower_cli.resources.role

# Copyright 2016, Ansible by Red Hat
# Alan Rominger <>
# Aaron Tan <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import click

from tower_cli import models, resources, exceptions as exc
from tower_cli.api import client
from tower_cli.cli import types
from tower_cli.utils import debug, grammar
from tower_cli.conf import settings

ACTOR_FIELDS = ['user', 'team']

    'target_team', 'credential', 'inventory', 'job_template',
    'organization', 'project', 'workflow']

    'admin', 'read', 'member', 'execute', 'adhoc', 'update',
    'use', 'auditor', 'project_admin', 'inventory_admin',
    'credential_admin', 'workflow_admin', 'notification_admin',

[docs]class Resource(models.Resource): """A resource for managing roles. This resource has ordinary list and get methods, but it roles can not be created or edited, instead, they are automatically generated along with the connected resource. """ cli_help = 'Add and remove users/teams from roles.' endpoint = '/roles/' user = models.Field(type=types.Related('user'), required=False, display=True) team = models.Field( type=types.Related('team'), required=False, display=True, help_text='The team that receives the permissions ' 'specified by the role.') type = models.Field( required=False, display=True, type=click.Choice(ROLE_TYPES), help_text='The type of permission that the role controls.') # These fields are never valid input arguments, # they are only used as columns in output resource_name = models.Field(required=False, display=False) resource_type = models.Field(required=False, display=False) # These are purely resource fields, and are always inputs, # but are only selectively set as output columns target_team = models.Field( type=types.Related('team'), required=False, display=False, help_text='The team that the role acts on.') credential = models.Field(type=types.Related('credential'), required=False, display=False) inventory = models.Field(type=types.Related('inventory'), required=False, display=False) job_template = models.Field(type=types.Related('job_template'), required=False, display=False) credential = models.Field(type=types.Related('credential'), required=False, display=False) organization = models.Field(type=types.Related('organization'), required=False, display=False) project = models.Field(type=types.Related('project'), required=False, display=False) workflow = models.Field(type=types.Related('workflow'), required=False, display=False) def __getattribute__(self, name): """Disable inherited methods that cannot be applied to this particular resource. """ if name in ['create', 'delete', 'modify']: raise AttributeError else: return object.__getattribute__(self, name) @staticmethod def obj_res(data, fail_on=['type', 'obj', 'res']): """ Given some CLI input data, Returns the following and their types: obj - the role grantee res - the resource that the role applies to """ errors = [] if not data.get('type', None) and 'type' in fail_on: errors += ['You must provide a role type to use this command.'] # Find the grantee, and remove them from resource_list obj = None obj_type = None for fd in ACTOR_FIELDS: if data.get(fd, False): if not obj: obj = data[fd] obj_type = fd else: errors += ['You can not give a role to a user ' 'and team at the same time.'] break if not obj and 'obj' in fail_on: errors += ['You must specify either user or ' 'team to use this command.'] # Out of the resource list, pick out available valid resource field res = None res_type = None for fd in RESOURCE_FIELDS: if data.get(fd, False): if not res: res = data[fd] res_type = fd if res_type == 'target_team': res_type = 'team' else: errors += ['You can only give a role to one ' 'type of resource at a time.'] break if not res and 'res' in fail_on: errors += ['You must specify a target resource ' 'to use this command.'] if errors: raise exc.UsageError("\n".join(errors)) return obj, obj_type, res, res_type @classmethod def data_endpoint(cls, in_data, ignore=[]): """ Converts a set of CLI input arguments, `in_data`, into request data and an endpoint that can be used to look up a role or list of roles. Also changes the format of `type` in data to what the server expects for the role model, as it exists in the database. """ obj, obj_type, res, res_type = cls.obj_res(in_data, fail_on=[]) data = {} if 'obj' in ignore: obj = None if 'res' in ignore: res = None # Input fields are not actually present on role model, and all have # to be managed as individual special-cases if obj and obj_type == 'user': data['members__in'] = obj if obj and obj_type == 'team': endpoint = '%s/%s/roles/' % (grammar.pluralize(obj_type), obj) if res is not None: # For teams, this is the best lookup we can do # without making the additional request for its member_role data['object_id'] = res elif res: endpoint = '%s/%s/object_roles/' % (grammar.pluralize(res_type), res) else: endpoint = '/roles/' if in_data.get('type', False): data['role_field'] = '%s_role' % in_data['type'].replace(' ', '_').lower() # Add back fields unrelated to role lookup, such as all_pages for key, value in in_data.items(): if key not in RESOURCE_FIELDS and key not in ['type', 'user', 'team']: data[key] = value return data, endpoint @staticmethod def populate_resource_columns(item_dict): """Operates on item_dict Promotes the resource_name and resource_type fields to the top-level of the serialization so they can be printed as columns. Also makes a copies name field to type, which is a default column.""" item_dict['type'] = item_dict['name'] if len(item_dict['summary_fields']) == 0: # Singleton roles omit these fields item_dict['resource_name'] = None item_dict['resource_type'] = None else: sf = item_dict['summary_fields'] # Explination of fallback state: # The situation where resource_name or resource_type is not present # should not be seen for singleton roles, and where it is seen, # there may be a problem with data quality on the server item_dict['resource_name'] = sf.get('resource_name', '[unknown]') item_dict['resource_type'] = sf.get('resource_type', '[unknown]') def set_display_columns(self, set_true=[], set_false=[]): """Add or remove columns from the output.""" for i in range(len(self.fields)): if self.fields[i].name in set_true: self.fields[i].display = True elif self.fields[i].name in set_false: self.fields[i].display = False def configure_display(self, data, kwargs=None, write=False): """Populates columns and sets display attribute as needed. Operates on data.""" if settings.format != 'human': return # This is only used for human format if write: obj, obj_type, res, res_type = self.obj_res(kwargs) data['type'] = kwargs['type'] data[obj_type] = obj data[res_type] = res self.set_display_columns( set_false=['team' if obj_type == 'user' else 'user'], set_true=['target_team' if res_type == 'team' else res_type]) else: self.set_display_columns( set_false=['user', 'team'], set_true=['resource_name', 'resource_type']) if 'results' in data: for i in range(len(data['results'])): self.populate_resource_columns(data['results'][i]) else: self.populate_resource_columns(data) def role_write(self, fail_on_found=False, disassociate=False, **kwargs): """Re-implementation of the parent `write` method specific to roles. Adds a grantee (user or team) to the resource's role.""" # Get the role, using only the resource data data, self.endpoint = self.data_endpoint(kwargs, ignore=['obj']) debug.log('Checking if role exists.', header='details') response =, fail_on_no_results=True, fail_on_multiple_results=True, **data) role_data = response['results'][0] role_id = role_data['id'] # Role exists, change display settings to output something self.configure_display(role_data, kwargs, write=True) # Check if user/team has this role # Implictly, force_on_exists is false for roles obj, obj_type, res, res_type = self.obj_res(kwargs) debug.log('Checking if %s already has role.' % obj_type, header='details') data, self.endpoint = self.data_endpoint(kwargs) data['content_type__model'] = res_type.replace('_', '') response =, fail_on_no_results=False, fail_on_multiple_results=False, **data) msg = '' if response['count'] > 0 and not disassociate: msg = 'This %s is already a member of the role.' % obj_type elif response['count'] == 0 and disassociate: msg = 'This %s is already a non-member of the role.' % obj_type if msg: role_data['changed'] = False if fail_on_found: raise exc.NotFound(msg) else: debug.log(msg, header='DECISION') return role_data # Add or remove the user/team to the role debug.log('Attempting to %s the %s in this role.' % ( 'remove' if disassociate else 'add', obj_type), header='details') post_data = {'id': role_id} if disassociate: post_data['disassociate'] = True'%s/%s/roles/' % (grammar.pluralize(obj_type), obj), data=post_data) role_data['changed'] = True return role_data # Command method for roles # TODO: write commands to see access_list for resource
[docs] @resources.command( use_fields_as_options=ACTOR_FIELDS+RESOURCE_FIELDS+['type']) def list(self, **kwargs): """Return a list of roles. =====API DOCS===== Retrieve a list of objects. :param all_pages: Flag that if set, collect all pages of content from the API when returning results. :type all_pages: bool :param page: The page to show. Ignored if all_pages is set. :type page: int :param query: Contains 2-tuples used as query parameters to filter resulting resource objects. :type query: list :param `**kwargs`: Keyword arguments list of available fields used for searching resource objects. :returns: A JSON object containing details of all resource objects returned by Tower backend. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ data, self.endpoint = self.data_endpoint(kwargs) r = super(Resource, self).list(**data) # Change display settings and data format for human consumption self.configure_display(r) return r
[docs] @resources.command( use_fields_as_options=ACTOR_FIELDS+RESOURCE_FIELDS+['type']) def get(self, pk=None, **kwargs): """Get information about a role. =====API DOCS===== Retrieve one and exactly one object. :param pk: Primary key of the resource to be read. Tower CLI will only attempt to read *that* object if ``pk`` is provided (not ``None``). :type pk: int :param `**kwargs`: Keyword arguments used to look up resource object to retrieve if ``pk`` is not provided. :returns: loaded JSON of the retrieved resource object. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ if kwargs.pop('include_debug_header', True): debug.log('Getting the role record.', header='details') data, self.endpoint = self.data_endpoint(kwargs) response =, fail_on_no_results=True, fail_on_multiple_results=True, **data) item_dict = response['results'][0] self.configure_display(item_dict) return item_dict
[docs] @resources.command( use_fields_as_options=ACTOR_FIELDS+RESOURCE_FIELDS+['type']) @click.option('--fail-on-found', default=False, show_default=True, type=bool, is_flag=True, help='If used, return an error if the user already has the ' 'role.') def grant(self, fail_on_found=False, **kwargs): """Add a user or a team to a role. Required information: 1) Type of the role 2) Resource of the role, inventory, credential, or any other 3) A user or a team to add to the role =====API DOCS===== Add a user or a team to a role. Required information: * Type of the role. * Resource of the role, inventory, credential, or any other. * A user or a team to add to the role. :param fail_on_found: Flag that if set, the operation fails if a user/team already has the role. :type fail_on_found: bool :param `**kwargs`: The user to be associated and the role to associate. :returns: parsed JSON of role grant. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ return self.role_write(fail_on_found=fail_on_found, **kwargs)
[docs] @resources.command( use_fields_as_options=ACTOR_FIELDS+RESOURCE_FIELDS+['type']) @click.option('--fail-on-found', default=False, show_default=True, type=bool, is_flag=True, help='If used, return an error if the user is already ' 'not a member of the role.') def revoke(self, fail_on_found=False, **kwargs): """Remove a user or a team from a role. Required information: 1) Type of the role 2) Resource of the role, inventory, credential, or any other 3) A user or a team to add to the role =====API DOCS===== Remove a user or a team from a role. Required information: * Type of the role. * Resource of the role, inventory, credential, or any other. * A user or a team to add to the role. :param fail_on_found: Flag that if set, the operation fails if a user/team dose not have the role. :type fail_on_found: bool :param `**kwargs`: The user to be disassociated and the role to disassociate. :returns: parsed JSON of role revoke. :rtype: dict =====API DOCS===== """ return self.role_write(fail_on_found=fail_on_found, disassociate=True, **kwargs)