
In Tower CLI, there are a number of configuration settings available to users. These settings are mostly used to set up connection details to Tower backend, like hostname of Tower backend and user name/password used for authentication; some are also used for other purposes, like toggle on/off colored stdout. Here is a list of all available Tower CLI settings:

Key Value Type / Value Default Description
color Boolean/’true’ Whether to use colored output for highlighting or not.
format String with options (‘human’, ‘json’, ‘yaml’)/’human’ Output format. The “human” format is intended for humans reading output on the CLI; the “json” and “yaml” formats provide more data. [CLI use only]
host String/‘’ The location of the Ansible Tower host. HTTPS is assumed as the protocol unless “http://” is explicitly provided.
password String/’‘ Password to use to authenticate to Ansible Tower.
username String/’‘ Username to use to authenticate to Ansible Tower.
verify_ssl Boolean/’true’ Whether to force verified SSL connections.
verbose Boolean/’false’ Whether to show information about requests being made.
description_on Boolean/’false’ Whether to show description in human-formatted output. [CLI use only]
certificate String/’‘ Path to a custom certificate file that will be used throughout the command. Ignored if –insecure flag if set in command or verify_ssl is set to false
use_token Boolean/’false’ Whether to use token-based authentication. No longer supported in Tower 3.3 and above

Note: Some settings are marked as ‘CLI use only’, this means although users are free to set values to those settings, those settings only affect CLI but not API usage.

class tower_cli.conf.Settings[source]

A class that understands configurations provided to tower-cli through configuration files or runtime parameters. A signleton object tower_cli.conf.settings will be instantiated and used.

The 5 levels of precedence for settings, listing from least to greatest, are:

  • defaults: Default values provided
  • global: Contents parsed from .ini-formatted file /etc/tower/tower_cli.cfg if exists.
  • user: Contents parsed from .ini-formatted file ~/.tower_cli.cfg if exists.
  • local: Contents parsed from .ini-formatted file .tower_cli.cfg if exists in the present working directory or any parent directories.
  • environment: Values from magic environment variables.
  • runtime: keyworded arguments provided by settings.runtime_values context manager.

Note that .ini configuration file should follow the specified format in order to be correctly parsed:

<configuration name 1> = <value 1>
<configuration name 2> = <value 2>

Context manager that temporarily override runtime level configurations.

Parameters:kwargs (arbitrary keyword arguments) – Keyword arguments specifying runtime configuration settings.
>>> import tower_cli
>>> from tower_cli.conf import settings
>>> with settings.runtime_values(username='user', password='pass'):
>>>     print(tower_cli.get_resource('credential').list())