Survey Management

This feature is added in v3.1.0, and v3.1.3 or higher, at least, is recommended.

get help: tower-cli job_template survey --help

View a Survey

The name of the job template is known (“survey jt” in this example), and the survey definition is desired.

tower-cli job_template survey --name="survey jt"

Example output, this is the survey spec:

  "description": "",
  "spec": [
      "required": true,
      "min": null,
      "default": "v3.1.3",
      "max": null,
      "question_description": "enter a version of tower-cli to install",
      "choices": "v3.0.0\nv3.0.1\nv3.0.2\nv3.1.0\nv3.1.1\nv3.1.2\nv3.1.3",
      "new_question": true,
      "variable": "version",
      "question_name": "Tower-cli version",
      "type": "multiplechoice"
      "required": true,
      "min": null,
      "default": "click\ncolorama\nrequests\nsix\nPyYAML",
      "max": null,
      "question_description": "which package requirements would you like to install/check",
      "choices": "click\ncolorama\nrequests\nsix\nPyYAML",
      "new_question": true,
      "variable": "packages",
      "question_name": "Package requirements",
      "type": "multiselect"
  "name": ""

Save a survey

Use the job template modify command to do this. In order to create a functional survey you must do two things:

  • Save the survey spec - use the --survey-spec option
  • Enable the survey - use the --survey-enabled option

Example of enabling the survey on a job template:

tower-cli job_template modify --name="hello world infinity" --survey-enabled=true

The --survey-spec option can get the spec from a file by prepending the @ character. If this character is not used, it is assumed that you are giving the JSON data in-line.

Copy a survey to another template

The following example saves a survey spec to a file, and then uploads that survey spec to another job template.

# Save the survey spec to file in local directory
tower-cli job_template survey --name="survey jt" > s.json
# Upload that survey to another job template
tower-cli job_template modify --name="another jt" --survey-spec=@s.json --survey-enabled=true

The next example using one line to do the same thing on the command line.

tower-cli job_template modify --name="another jt" --survey-spec="$(tower-cli job_template survey --name='survey jt')" --survey-enabled=true


Workflows can also have surveys and follow the same pattern. Example:

tower-cli workflow survey --name="workflow with survey"

Configuring a survey with multiple choice single select :

tower-cli job_template survey –name=”Demo Job Template” –survey-spec=’[{“question_name”:”Test”,”question_description”:”“,”required”:true,”type”:”multiselect”,”variable”:”my_var”,”min”:null,”max”:null,”default”:”choice1”,”choices”:”choice1nchoice2nchoice3”,”new_question”:true}]’